“I’m often asked what motivates and drives me. It’s hard to articulate because it’s a combination of things. It’s a passion for the sport, a desire to fulfil my potential and a desire to push my body and mind to the limit. As I have I progressed in the sport and the more I have achieved, the more I’ve realised professional sport wasn’t an end in itself, it was a means to a wider end. It’s a means that has given me a platform to go on and do more than I ever imagined.”
Fit Ball的玩法十分多,以下是一些今次推介的動作: (1) Ball-lunge: 首先把左腳放於 fit ball 上,雙手可拿啞鈴負重,右腳支撐身體平衡,上身保持畢直。然後吸氣,開始將右腳屈膝,屈膝幅度應該大於 90度,你可按自己能力調整屈膝幅度及負重重量。跟著用右腳重新站立,同時呼氣。這時左腳在 fit ball 上應該有輔助平衡的作用,但注意力應利用右腳至右股的肌肉把身體撐起才能起最佳的訓練效果。重複以上動作 20次,然後訓練左腳做同一動作。這動作可加強四頭肌及平衡力,對跑步是十分有用的。
(2) Pelvic raises: 先用軟墊墊背,身體平躺於地上,然後把雙腳放於 fit ball 上。腹與大腿的角度應約 90度開始。先吸一口氣,利用背部膊頭為支點,將腹向上升起同時呼氣。升起腹部至與大腿成180度,保持約 1秒,然後慢慢降低腹部。重複 20次。這動作可強化背肌,令平衡力明顯增強。