大家訓練時可能都曾經覺得沉悶。例如在跑步機上、單車機上、緩跑徑上... 做著不斷重複的動作,的確很容易令人意志消沉。對很多人來說 mp3 可說是訓練恩物。隨著輕快的音樂,激動的節拍,不知不覺間你又完成了今天的訓練目標了。
Chrissie Wellington 四屆世界女鐵人冠軍最近便跟 AudioFuel 合作製作了一個「Tri Harder with Chrissie Wellington」的訓練音樂系列,幫助訓練人士在訓練時更快投入狀態。Chrissie Wellington 亦希望透過此媒體向訓練人士傳播她對三鐵運動熱愛的訊息。有興趣的可到 AudioFuel 網頁試聽。(更新: download 了一個 sample 來聽,原來有人聲指導訓練的節奏,跟著來練習應該會幾得意。有機會試下先。)
Chrissie Wellington 在發佈會上簡述了她的推動力的來源︰
“I’m often asked what motivates and drives me. It’s hard to articulate because it’s a combination of things. It’s a passion for the sport, a desire to fulfil my potential and a desire to push my body and mind to the limit. As I have I progressed in the sport and the more I have achieved, the more I’ve realised professional sport wasn’t an end in itself, it was a means to a wider end. It’s a means that has given me a platform to go on and do more than I ever imagined.”